Application To Rent
Gender: *
Current Residence
Employment History – Most Recent
Will a Parent, Guardian or Other Individual be Paying your Rent? *

Please provide 2 references – They should not be related to you

Will You Require parking?: *
Room Mates Match
Residence Advisors

This section is optional for you to complete. However, the more information we have about your lifestyle preferences, the better we will be able to properly match you with the other room mates you will be sharing your suite with.

1 means it’s not important at all to you.
2 means it might be a consideration to you
3 means this is a consideration for you
4 means this is quite important to you
5 means this is very important to you

You would like to be matched with roommates who are the quiet type:
You’re an early riser, and want to live with early risers:
You stay up late, and want to live with night owls:
Alcohol – You prefer to live with non-drinkers:
Smokers – You prefer to live with non-smokers:
You’re very neat and tidy, and want to live with similar students:
You would like to live with same gender roommates:
You would like to live with mixed gender roommates:
You would like to live with roommates in the same course of study:
You would like to live with roommates who are considerate of Religious beliefs: